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What is PV Online

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PV Online, is a supplementary version of PV that allows users to contribute their own ingredients database or import the publicly available database to their PV Web or PV App installation.

As of version 1.0.8 of PV, you can connect it using your PV Online credentials and automatically sync the ingredients data.

To download the ingredients database you need to have an up and running PV Web instance. No account need to be registered to PV Online although, if you want to contribute to the community and upload your ingredients database, then  you need to register an account.

To register a PV account you have to install PV Web first, you can’t register an account directly to PV Online.


Please note: PV Online is currently in BETA phase and may be offline or unstable until its final release.

PV Online account isn’t mandatory to use PV Web or PV App

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